No Coal No Gas ISO Board Meeting Statement

No Coal No Gas ISO Board Meeting Statement

If the board of ISO-NE thinks that it can hide from public engagement by hosting inaccessible meetings in boycotted locations, you are mistaken. While you hide in luxury hotels talking only to each other, we are taking action in our communities, building relationships and solidarity, making each other stronger, and continuing to organize in ways that will push for a swifter and more just grid transition.

Our Action Last Sunday

Our Action Last Sunday

Begin as you wish to continue, they say. We did. We started big! We showed up at 5 plants on the same day with the same message for each one: plant by plant we will end the practice of profiting from the fossil fuels that are causing such damage, plant by plant we will continue creating communities that care for one another and for our tender, beautiful earth. Join us as we climb on.

Docket Drama 2024 Edition: ISO-NE Tariff Violations

Docket Drama 2024 Edition: ISO-NE Tariff Violations

FERC’s response to our comments suggests that New England’s millions of residential ratepayers should have no effective way to participate in decisions about the billions of dollars taken from their utility bills every year to manage the grid and fund NEPOOL, a “stakeholder process” that keeps out the public. If the stakeholder process is the appropriate venue for comment, then we’ll need to create a stakeholder process that doesn’t lock us out.