For the first time ever, the coal-fired Merrimack Station failed to qualify for future ratepayer-funded subsidizing payments. Although, it will still receive the money it was previously allocated, keeping it available to generate electricity at times of peak demand through May 2026.
But there is also bad news. The New England electrical grid operator (ISO-NE) is seeking approval for the full results of this year’s Forward Capacity Auction, which would use hundreds of millions of ratepayer dollars to keep the oldest, dirtiest, least economical fossil fuel power plants sitting around ready to power up during times of peak demand through May 2027.
We have until May 5th to submit public comments opposing federal approval of the full auction results. This year, we focus our dissent on the Forward Capacity Market itself. Check out our toolkit for talking points, a step by step guide to posting comments with FERC, a schedule of online letter-writing parties, and more. Submitting a public comment is a simple and powerful way to join together in community, demand that our electric grid manager stop funding fossil fuels, and insist that our ratepayer dollars be put to better use.
We want to send FERC 250 letters this year about the Merrimack Generating Station and about the forward capacity auction process in general.
If you've submitted a comment before you know it takes a little persistence. So let's do it together, because it's easier to persist with good company. We'll figure out what comments to send and have help working through the steps on the FERC website. Or, just set aside this time to do the process! See you then!