Andy Marion is a trans, queer farmer currently living in Rollinsford NH, on occupied Penacook-Wabanaki land. They are plant lover, outdoor enthusiast, traveler, and whole-hearted sci-fi fan. Their first experience with direct action was in West Virginia, taking action to shut down Mountaintop Removal coal mines, and after seeing the devastating effects of these mines on both the land and the people. Despite a persistent itch to travel, New Hampshire is, and likely always will be, their home. They took action at the Merrimack station to shut down this power station for good, send a message that we will not stand for the further use of coal or other non-renewables, and to inspire others to embrace their power and stand with us.
Barbara Peterson is from Stratham, New Hampshire. She learned as a child to question the government after seeing endless faces shown in Life magazine of killed US Vietnam War. I began my activism as a high school student protesting against the Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. As an undergraduate at UNH, Barbara was inspired to not just learn about injustice, but to work with others in bringing awareness to different forms of oppression, apartheid, and nuclear proliferation. She currently teaches at a local college, publishes articles and other writings on nonviolent action, runs a grassroots group that educates the public to be empowered and effective activists, and does what she can as an activist to help save our earth and protect all persons’ freedom, dignity, and equity.
Carole Rein of Beverly, Massachusetts has been happily married for almost 30 years and is happy to be the mother of a middle-aged man. After decades working in the corporate world in information technology management, she became a special educator, teaching algebra and reading to students with dyslexia. A Quaker, she has been active in nonviolent demonstrations for about 50 years, beginning with the Vietnam War. In her activism since retirement, she has focused on White privilege and social justice in both the US and Palestine. Her concern for the environment currently calls her to action.
Dana Dwinell-Yardley is an eighth-generation Vermonter living in Montpelier, VT, with two old-lady cats and one young sprightly dog. The rocky bones and hills of the Green Mountains are the home that hold her, while at the same time she knows that her Vermont pride comes from a history of colonialism and I live on occupied Wabanaki land. The folk community is her extended family — she has been a contradancer for 15 years, and now organizes her local dance, calls contradances, and facilitates a singing circle. She also builds community in her low-income condo association where she serves as board president. She delights in music, mountains, solo living, good food, board games, deep conversations, and building relationships outside the societal box of what love should look like. She is moved to action today by a lifelong love for this place, by a rising panic and grief for the planet, and by a growing knowledge that individualism and consumer choices will not solve the climate crisis, but a group of citizens taking powerful action built on relationship and community just might.
Emma Shapiro-Weiss is from Peterborough New Hampshire where she lives with her partner and cat. She has spent the last few years of life organizing for environmental causes including volunteering for a solarize campaign and joining her local energy committee. She has been a kickboxer for 5 years and loves hiking her local mountains.
Emma Schoenberg is a Vermont community organizer and trainer. Emma has an enduring commitment to inclusive, equitable, and relational movements - especially in rural communities. As an organizer, Emma has worn different hats within movements spaces, from political organizer to grassroots activist. Her work has touched on group structure and decision making, direct action and civil disobedience, popular education, and facilitation as well as political campaigns and policy. She is also a musician, dancer, and cat-owner. Emma is a member of the core team of the Climate Disobedience Center.
Jon Hinck is a public interest litigator in private law practice. He has served as a City Councilor in Portland, ME and as a Maine State Representative. Previously he worked for the Natural Resources Council of Maine and before that was the Acting Attorney General for the Republic of Palau. Years ago he answered a help wanted ad in Seattle that said "Sell advertising for a good cause." That change his life. Less than a year later he was a co-founder of Greenpeace USA and eventually was put in charge of Greenpeace’s worldwide program. Jon learned about human-induced global warming in the early 80s. By the mid 90s, peer-reviewed science made inescapable the conclusion that our society and civilization would have to change significantly to protect climate systems. Since then, he has seen no higher priority -- it is part of his role as a parent, spouse, neighbor and citizen. He keeps looking for ways to give this unprecedented challenge the urgent response it demands.
Tim DeChristopher is originally from West Virginia and now resides in Rhode Island. Tim disrupted an illegitimate Bureau of Land Management oil and gas auction in December of 2008, by outbidding oil companies for parcels around Arches and Canyonlands National Parks in Utah. His actions and 21 month imprisonment earned him a national and international media presence, which he has used as a platform to spread the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for bold, confrontational action in order to create a just and healthy world. Tim used his prosecution as an opportunity to organize the climate justice organization Peaceful Uprising in Salt Lake City. Tim is a Co-Founder of the Climate Disobedience Center, and after graduating from Harvard Divinity School, continues the work to defend a livable future.